AND TEACH Growth Mindset, STEM, Creativity, Problem Solving
Leverage: Make A balancing SCULPTUREYear levels:
Prep - Year 3: Teach simple leverage by building a hanging mobile. Using the Nüdel explore how thing balance and what happens when you shift the pivot point (fulcrum). Year 3 - 6: Challenge your student by building up rather than down! Go over terms like fulcrum, effort point, load & lever and test the student understanding by stacking & balancing Nüdel parts on top of each other. Extension Ideas: Explore how levers can be used to make lowering the effort point in order to lift different loads rather than balancing loads. ✓ RESILIENCE ✓ CURIOUSITY ✓ IMAGINATION Linking to curriculum: VCDSCD019, VCDSCD020, VCDSCD021, VCDSCD22, VCSSU048, VCSSU064, VCSIS037, VCCCTM019, VCCCTM020, VCDSCD029, VCDSCD030, VCDSCD031 |
Physics: Make a moving objectYear levels:
Prep - Year 2: Discuss push and pull. Use wood dowels and straps to try pushing and pulling a variety of objects. Year 3 - 6: Inquiry into force. Test how to make things move faster and slower. Explore friction building a pulley from Nüdel Kart or Nüdel Rover pieces. Extension Ideas: Write instructions for building your own car that does something amazing. Take it on an adventure and write, storyboard or script a tale of excitement. Interview one of your classmates about their design. ✓ INITIATIVE ✓ TEAM WORK ✓ CREATIVITY Linking to curriculum: VCDSCD019, VCDSCD020, VCDSCD021, VCDSCD22, VCSSU048, VCSSU064, VCSIS037, VCCCTM019, VCCCTM020, VCDSCD029, VCDSCD030, VCDSCD031 |
Prep - Year 2: Decide what machine your school or community could use most. Make the machine out of the Nüdel Kart or Nüdel Rover. Add more recycled materials to your design, such as cardboard or containers. Year 3 -4: Simple machines such as the lever, wedge, pulley and inclined plane. Trial and use them when creating a machine that moves. Explore gravity. Year 5 - 6: Use scientific knowledge to design a machine to solve a community problem that considers sustainability. Debate whether technology brings people together or separates them. ✓ CREATIVE THINKING ✓ PROBLEM SOLVING ✓ TEAM WORK Linking to curriculum: VCDSCD019, VCDSCD020, VCDSCD021, VCDSCD22, VCSSU048, VCSSU064, VCSIS037, VCCCTM019, VCCCTM020, VCDSCD029, VCDSCD030, VCDSCD031 |